Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

i took it from tumblr

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

mother's day♥♥

it's too late to post but i wanna tell you that last 22nd december i celebrated mother's day :) i couldn't give my mom something special so i just gave her cupcakes . i bought these cupcakes from my sister's friend , actually i wanna make it by myself but aaa i can't :(( so i bought it . btw,happy mother's day for all moms in the world especially for my mom,i will always love you forever. so how do you celebrate mother's day ?

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010


hello bloggers . sorry i am too late to post about my eximus , yeah because i have so many tasks from my school hhf.okeeey,this is my photo that was taken by my lovely eximus :) . i'm still confuse to use my eximus yeah because i'm the new users of lomo so sorry if my photo still not really good

Kamis, 16 September 2010

just tried to shoot everything i see

Jumat, 03 September 2010

addicted to.........

hello bloggers aaaa Long Time No post huhu :( you know i have some tasks from school and also some tests so i have to study study and study to get the best score -__- and also my mom allow me to online just on Saturday and sunday . hopefully i can the best score yeah amiin ~

Oke blog gue males berbincang pake bahasa inggris hehe.hm maaf banget ya gue bukan bloggers yang baik , karena gue lama banget gak posting he he he he . tapi gapapa yaaa , oya besok udah libur aja nih yipppppyyy asik banget ya fyuh semoga liburan kali ini berkesan^^ . awkaaaay asiknya ngomongin apa ya hm oke kita berbicara tentang Justin Bieber aja ya ha ha gatau kenapa gue akhir akhir ini jadi addicted Justin Bieber padahal gue sendiri tadinya gak sebegitu suka sama Justin Bieber tapi entah kenapa sekarang gue jadi addicted hehehehe -___-""" aaah as we know,he is handsome,good singer,and also famous so no wonder if many people proud of him . mauu banget kalo ntar pas Justin Bieber ke Indonesia gue bisa dateng gitu terus nonton teriak teriak aaaaa asik banget deh pasti -____- . awkay bloggers yang gatau WHO IS JUSTIN BIEBER ? look at this picture below !! haha tapi pasti gaada ya yang gatau Justin Bieber hm gue jadi kena Bieber Fever deh (?) sorry ya kalo posting kali ini agak sedikit nyampah dan tak bermanfaat hehe

Next post >> gue bakal posting yang bermanfaat deh hehe yeah planning for the next post gue mau ngomongin soal .........taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........My new eximus hihihihi kalo hasilnya bagus gue bakal sekalian psoting tentang hasil jepretan nya juga deh hehehe just planning loh hihi.

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

so cute ♥♥♥

hallo blog long time no pooooooooooooost aaaaaaaaaaaaaa bentar lagi masuk huhuhu oiya blog gue masuk 93 eleee bgt -__________- temen2 nya sih enak gurunya juga lumayan deh tapi angka 3 nya itu HELL banget masa gue dari kelas 7 harus bertemu dengan angka 3 mulu . 73 83 dan 93 oh God -___________-" tapi gapapa deh yangpenting guru sama temen nya sip (yyy) semoga juga kelas 9 ntar gue bakal rajin belajaaar dan berhasil dapet nem bagus SMA bagus ranking 5 besaar aaaaaaaaa i hope !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) yang lebih bikin gue seneng lagi gue sekelas sama sekar AAA 3 tahun akhirnya gue sekelas sama diaa yihihihihiy . ok stop talk about class :) ehiya blog akhir2 ini gue suka sama Suri cruise aaaaa sumpah lucu bgt anak itu sampe sampe gue pasang background twitter gua pake foto dia terus profpict facebook juga gue pasang dia haha biar suatu saat muka gue jeng jeng berubah gitu jadi mirip dia wakakakka MUSTAHIL yee -___-""""" . gue juga suka baca blog fashion dia ini nih ----> http://suricruisefashion.blogspot.com/ fotonya lucu2 unyuuu~~ sumpah deh ya masi kecil aja stylish banget yah maklum anak artis sih yee. aaaaaa envy nih gue ~~

oh my God how cute she is